
Debra C: Day 5 - Homework #1 & #2

5"x7" Collage5"x7" Chalk 

    Had to go back to the clouds! They called to me in my backyard, first a torn paper shape image of an abstracted landscape in my yard, then the pastel painting - why couldn't I abstract this image when I painted?  I had lost my courage to lay down shapes & just leave them - I put all my details over them, I loved playing with the clouds, yet again & off I went with a steady stream of detail.  Perhaps I just
longed to create a unified image once the clouds were so lovely I just continued with the same presentation and visual connection between background, middle ground and foreground. In the end,
I so enjoy this painting - I am feeling the chalk medium flowing more easily from my fingertips.   Tomorrow I am going to sing into the heavens to send the abstraction goddess into my spirit so that simplification may flow from me, just flow!

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